Wednesday, January 26, 2011

a simple pleasure.

every once and a while i'll get an email from my dad with pictures of cricket attached and little messages like "come play with me!" and "come see me!"  it seriously brightens my day each time.  i instantly want to drop all my work and head on over.  i love that pup, and my dad.  she is one funny funny dog.

chocolate cupcakes with orange cream frosting.

the highlight of my weekend: baking these cupcakes.  i mustered up the strength to make them {after laying around all day} on saturday and boy oh boy were they worth it.  orange and chocolate are perfect together, i can't believe i just figured out how to pair them in cupcake form.  these are heavenly.

orange cream frosting
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/4 cup milk
6 cups powdered sugar
1 teaspoon orange extract
3/4 teaspoon vanilla
 food coloring

in a large mixing bowl beat butter until smooth. gradually add 2 cups of the powdered sugar, beating well. slowly beat in the 1/4 cup milk, orange extract and vanilla. gradually beat in the remaining powdered sugar. beat in enough additional milk to reach spreading/piping consistency. if desired, tint with food coloring. pipe or spread on cupcakes!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

birthday dinner with the girls.

 remember how i said birthday week was over?  well...i forgot just one thing.  this fabulous dinner my friends had for me.  we went to california pizza kitchen and ate the most delicious food.  i think we ordered the best combination possible off their have to try it.  here's what you need to order:

spinach artichoke dip.
bbq chicken pizza with applewood smoked bacon {seriously so much better with bacon}.
the mac and cheese off the children's menu - so creamy and delish.

doesn't that sound amazing?  i can't wait to go back.  i love food.  and my friends! but mostly food...

Monday, January 24, 2011

husband makes delicious food.

 weekend highlights:

-while sick, isaac cooked me breakfast, lunch and dinner alllllll weekend long.  it was all so good {see above!}.
-i finished reading the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society.  i loved it.  one of the best books i've read in a really long time.  i can't wait to discuss it in jana's virtual book club.  you can join us if you want!
-i baked for the first time in the new year.  i seriously can't believe i went sooooo long.  so so unlike me.  of course i made cupcakes. and they were delicious.
-husband and i caught up on all the new episodes of our favorite shows - did you see the office last week?  seriously hilarious, it's been a while since that show has made me laugh that hard.  watch it.
-lots and lots of naps.  we're talking 4 and 5 a day.  i love naps.  period.

despite feeling icky, it was a lovely weekend.  lounging around at home was just what i needed.  how was your weekend?

Friday, January 21, 2011


i am home sick today and am 100% miserable.  it is currently 5am and i'm up because my throat is on fire.  yes, fire. that's what i get for working prn at a kids urgent care - one of the first patients i checked a few nights ago coughed directly in my face when i was listening to her lungs.  gag.  i knew it was coming...{i wish my mom had told me about zicam a little sooner}...i'm just not used to working with such sick kids!  i mean, i work on the surgical floor at the children's hospital where all the children are obviously sick - but generally not the contagious kind.  i guess i'll be wearing a mask at the kidscare from now on.

i think i can fall back asleep now, have a lovely friday!  i'll be home reading the most lovely book - the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society, sucking on throat lozenges, and napping all day long. 

p.s. check out the comment section on yesterday's post.  hilarious. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

wanted: beautiful seafoam watch.

you guys.  you guys.  iwantthiswatchsososobad.  so bad.  unfortunately, as part of my new years resolutions and the strict budget i've put myself on, it is currently a no-go. if only i had discovered it before my birthday and christmas!  poop.  someone please give me $160.  k thanks.  

someday this pretty little watch will be on my wrist.  someday.  it has my name written alllll over it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

sparkly, sparkly nails.

one of the best parts of my job is spending time with my little patients. it doesn't happen very often...but this weekend i took care of the sweetest little 10 year old, and i actually  had time to hang out with her {i am usually running around like a crazy person}.  we watched hannah montana while she painted my nails sparkly pink.  aren't they cute?  unfortunately they got a little chipped right after due to my nurse duties, but i love them nonetheless.  she also made me some pretty jewelry and a feather pen.  after 2 days of caring for her i left one spoiled, happy nurse.  

i love my job.